Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter and Flying Wildlife

Visitor's Center at Gorman

Canada Goose Takeoff

Even though we had a thaw, winter still has a grip at Gorman.  The pond has water on the surface of the ice below.  The geese walk around on this.  I wonder how they keep feeling in their feet.  The trails have been compacted through the winter by the walking traffic on them.  Consequently, they don't melt as fast.  They are icy and require much care in walking.  In some places, the snow is still so deep that I can't pull my cart through it comfortably.  My walks are limited in length.  It is good to be back viewing the wildlife after a winter hiatus.  I remember all the sound from the birds and insects during the warmer months and long for their return.  I want to enjoy the transition as completely as I can.  

I intended to mention that I used to build model radio controlled airplanes.  Their wing span was about that of a Canada goose.  I learned a little about flying, though not enough to solo.  I think that knowledge helps me appreciated what those animals can do as they takeoff, fly and land.  That knowledge makes me a better photographer because I can anticipate their movements.  Their flight is governed by the same laws of aerodynamics as my airplanes used to be. I am still amazed by flight!



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