Saturday, September 28, 2019

Blooms from the End of September

Some people don't like yellow flowers but I do.  It may not go with your decor but yellow brings joy to my heart!

Giant Sunflower
This flower derives its name from being tall and is sometimes called Tall Sunflower.

Taller Than Me Giant Sunflower
I used to love photogaphing them!

Giant Sunflower
This is a  combination PhotoMatix and Helicon Focus series of shots.  The photomatix series were exposure compensation of -4, -2,-0,+2,+4,  The captures for image stacking were 44.8 to obtain depth of field.  I just love the yellow.

Jerusalem Artichoke
This plant is sometimes cultivated as an herbaceous perennial plant and a substitute for potatoes.  Save some of the tubers for Spring replanting.

Jerusalem Artichoke
They are all so beautiful!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Pure vivianite is colorless and the color comes as the mineral oxidizes which it does easily.

It was named by Abraham Gottlov Werner in 1817, the year of his death.  It was named after John Henry Vivian, a polition, mine owner and mineralogist from Truro, Cornwall


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Creek Stone

At the onset of Winter I used to walk the stream bed looking for interesting rocks.  This is one I picked up on about Dec. 22, 2010.  I brought it home and tossed it in the tumbler to clean it up.

Feldspar, Flint
The last ID check said it was Feldspar.  It was a good source.

Stones in the that creek come from the Terminal Morain of the Glacer of 10,000 years ago. 

Terminal Morain Soil
In places where the stream has cut its way through the forest floor you can see the gravel in it.  As the stream washes the banks down the rocks and stones wash into its flow and are abraded. We live in a location where these rocks and stones are plentiful.

Glacial Deposits of Ohio
Upon closer examination of the map you can find Richland County and see that we have End Morain and Lake Deposits.