Pentax_200mm_f/4_lens |
This is a 70's era Pentax 200mm F/4 Lens. It was specifically mentioned as an excellent one to use as a "tube" lens. It is a high quality lens.
I became aware of
Extreme Macro website which may be the most extensive web site on Photomacrography. If I understand correctly it was created by Johan J Ingles-Le Nobe. I think Le Nobel means he received the Nobel Prize for his work. He has a
page about this lens being used as a "tube" lens. They are somewhat scarce but I was able to obtain one. This is it's second iteration. It was originally f/5.6. There is a later iteration in f/2.8.
Pentax to Canon Adapter |
Threads on the camera end fit into the threads shown in the adapter above.
Pentax to Canon Adapter Canon Side |
With this adapter, I can go to the field to photo graph with a great lens. The auto focus and other functions will, of course, not work. We had no auto focus in the 70's. The auto exposure on my Canon camera does work, albeit, not to the extent I might expect. I can set aperture priority and the shutter speed is automatic.
Camera End Closeup |
FYI the threads are M42. You might wonder about the tape. I tape the focus to ∞ and the aperture to f/4
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Johan J Ingles-Le Nobel Read more at http://extreme-macro.co.uk/#ixzz4c5n0ZHnx
Johan J Ingles-Le Nobel Read more at http://extreme-macro.co.uk/#ixzz4c5n0ZHnx
Johan J Ingles-Le Nobel Read more at http://extreme-macro.co.uk/#ixzz4c5n0ZHnx