Saturday, September 3, 2016


The idea of dust from space falling to earth has intrigued me since childhood when I discovered their existence by reading.

I collected all of these with a magnet from the cover for our patio table.

Some of them might have been large enough to be a shooting star when they came.  Others were not that big.

I hope you enjoyed seeing them.

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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Milkweed Beetle

Milkweed Beetle
These little fellows like living on, you guessed it, the Common Milkweed, and Swamp Milkweed, etc.  The unique thing about them, to me, is that their antennae bisect the eyes.  This picture shows that characteristic.

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Baling Hay

Round Baling Hay
We have all, at one time or another, seen this operation while driving country roads.  I suppose it is nothing new but I still like looking at it.

Cutting and Crimping Hay
This device not only cuts the hay but crimps the stems so that they will dry faster.  Fast drying is sometimes required if rain is coming.

Tedding Hay
Tedding moves the hay around exposing different parts to the air for faster drying.

Racking Hay
When the hay is ready, it is raked into windrows for baling.

Round Baler
You can round bale hay that is not dry enough for "square" baling because it is stored outside.

Square Baling Hay
"Square" Bales go into the barn and must be dry.  If they are not, spontaneous combustion might occur causing a barn fire, not a good thing.

I don't know why I like telling a story with pictures but I do.  I used to teach with as many pictures as I could.  I guess I just came to like doing it.  I feel that I have made it clear for anyone who may have misunderstood. 

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Long-jawed Orbweaver

Long-jawed Orbweaver
I had been aware of the spider webs by that leaf, had looked but did not see a spider.

That morning I was sitting by the edge of the pond watching for dragonflies and suddenly this long-jawed orbweaver moved in very quickly.  It had something caught in its web.

Long-jawed Orbweaver
The spider went about its business of wrapping the prey and went about my business of photographing it. 

Larry's Images and Aerial

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