Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sunrise Clouds 10-11-11

Sunrise Clouds 10-11-11
I almost did not set up the time-lapse camera this morning.  The view was not that spectacular and I arrived late.  I finally went back and set it up.  I am now glad that I did.  There were two layers of clouds.  One was above the contrails and one below them.  They appear to be moving in different directions.  Is that possible?

Take a look and let me know what you think.  iPhone 4 owners, I have done one for your device.  I have been having difficulty making it work for the iPhone since I do not own one.  Please let me know if you can view it.  Thanks!



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Friday, October 14, 2011

Frog Pond

GNC Frog Pond
The Frog Pond is within 6 inches of the top of the overflow pipe now.  The repairs worked!  While it was empty, many plants grew in the soil of the bottom.  They won't be there next year but right now they are providing cover for migrating ducks.  That gives me practice in photographing them.  I usually stalk down the trail with my camera at ready in case one flies.  I had been a little early until lately.  I need to come along after the sun has risen or just before.  That way I have enough light for action photography.



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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Four-leaf clover

Four-leaf Clover
I hold no animosity toward the lawn mower guy, Ted.  I am sure he did not know about my five-leaf clover. 

I still look wistfully at the area where my five-leaf used to be.  I hope that the plant will have time to regrow this autumn.  I recently noticed that it is regrowing.  It is growing a four-leaf clover!  I am so pleased!  I saw it again this morning.  I think that Ted, a great guy, has probably gone back to Florida for the winter so it is safe.



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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Webworm

Fall Webworm
I noticed this one the other morning while supervising my camera doing time-lapse.  It was on a Sandbar Willow leaf.  It was still before sunrise and as you can see the dew had been heavy.  It did not appear to be moving.  Easier for me!  I have just about put away my insect setup for the winter but still had it with me.  I used two flashes mounted on off camera brackets.  I used my Sigma 70 - 300 mm macro lens with a Sigma 1.4x teleconverter.  I had ample time to try to get the worm's body as parallel to the sensor as possible.  That gave me sharp focus over most of the body.



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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Leaf and Dime

Leaf and Dime
Would you stop to look at a dime on a Lily-pad Leaf?  I asked my wife Carol that question.  Carol, my toughest critic, said she would so I thought that it would be worth showing.  I have never seen such a thing.  It was below the raised part of a walkway over the pond surface.  I suppose that someone either dropped it or threw it.  The split in the leaf makes me think that it was at least tossed without enough force to puncture the leaf.  I think it started through but did not make it.
I shot this with my Sigma 50 - 500 mm lens.  I hooked the lens foot on the railing and discovered that it was too close for the lens to focus.  I added a 36mm Kenko extension tube and it focused nicely.  I kind of judge whether I would walk across the gallery to see it.  I think that I would for this one.  I think that it would generate attention and comments.



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Monday, October 10, 2011

American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch
This little guy was feeding on the seeds of the Tall Sunflower.  He did not seem to be uncomfortable with me as long as I stayed behind the camera.



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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Spider Web

Spider Web
We have many spider webs at Gorman these days.  The dew in the morning makes them show up.  I have to believe that this spider will be back to finish the job unless a bird ate him.  This is, no doubt, the framework of his web.  I like making the web sharply focused with a soft, almost dreamy, background.  I think that the plant is the Tall Sunflower or Prairie Dock about which we have talked at another time.

It is important to get the sensor as parallel to the web as possible.  Usually the webs are not perfectly flat so that presents a problem.  I do the best that I can.  I then try to be sure that I have enough DOF, depth-of-field, dialed into the f/stop to cover it.  That means a slow shutter so I watch for wind.  I try to hold the lowest ISO setting that I can.  If need be, I can get a faster shutter speed with a higher setting but if it is moving that much, it will probably move out of the range of DOF.  Did I say that it is hard to photograph spider webs?



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