Friday, November 11, 2016

Western Honey Bees

Western Honey Bee
They are call "Western" because they came West from Europe.  They did well here.

Western Honey Bee

We need to remember that they are important for more than their honey.  Without pollinators, our human food supply would fail.  We would not have fertile seed to plant next year.

Western Honey Bee

Most of the kinds of plants at Gorman are not part of the human food supply but these bees like them as well.

Western Honey Bee
I would sneeze if I stuck my nose into the flower like they do.

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Ironstone From Queensland Australia
As you might notice, this ironstone and others resemble sandstone because they are.  The color comes from iron.  This sample is from Queensland Australia.  It that region is associated with Gold, Silver and copper mining.

Ironstone From Queensland Australia

It is banded because it is a sedimentary rock, formed by deposits on the seafloor.  

Ironstone From Queensland Australia

The banding becomes more visible as we zoom out.  I think the white specks are probably quartz.

Ironstone From Queensland Australia
I learned that ironstone sometimes hosts opal concretions from the the tag on which the sample was mounted and from reading in Wikipedia.

Ironstone From Queensland Australia

I considered it like a geode.  I had to open it to look for opal.  I used a chisel based on recommendations from a knowing friend but I found no opal.

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Honey Bees

Honey Bee
As Autumn progresses around us honey bees and tall sunflowers are becoming a more and more distant memory.

These shots are in my blog folder because I thought them worth your viewing.

Honey Bees
I think that I enjoy looking at the flower as much or more than I enjoy looking at the insect.

Honey Bee

They work so hard!  

Honey Bee

They just buzz past me onto the flower.  I try not to wear any scents. 

Honey Bee
They never seem to rest! 

I am looking forward to photographing them again next year.

 Larry's Images and Aerial

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