Saturday, March 17, 2012

Purple Shamrock

Purple Shamrock
This shot, from the Kingwood Center Greenhouse in Dec. of 2005, shows a variant of the Shamrock known as the Purple Shamrock, a.k.a. False Shamrock.

Known as a symbol of Ireland, the shamrock is a cousin of the Irish White Clover.  According to Wikipedia, it is edible.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.

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Canada Geese

Canada Goose
The Canada geese have been numerous on the pond so far this year.

Canada Goose

They are noisy when I walk near the pond.  I can not be quiet when they are present.  They tend to be flighty and when one goes, they all usually launch.

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Jan Ferrell

Jan Ferrell
Jan pulls double duty by working at the Nature Center and the Ohio Bird Sanctuary.  
She is our resident specialist on birds and spiders.  She also coordinates our many volunteers.  This from the Gorman web site.

Jan has a pet spider on her desk.  I believe it to be a tarantula.  It is nearly as big as your hand.  Jan has been most helpful to me when I have questions.  Thanks, Jan.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012


We have several locations around the pond where muskrats live.  They tunnel under the bank and enter the water from the tunnel.  It is destructive to the pond because it makes it shallower.  

I was telling my daughter about this and she ask if it was a beaver.  Good question.  I have no shots of beaver.  From what I have seen in pictures, they look very similar while swimming.  I am guessing that the beaver is a larger animal.  They are both rodents but from there they go separate ways on the classifications.  The beaver lives in moving water, makes a dam which causes it to pool.  It lives in the dam in an area called a lodge.  It also enters the water from its home. The muskrat, at least this one, lives in water already pooled.  The muskrat is an omnivore, i.e. it eats both plants and animals.  The beaver is a herbivore, i.e. it eats plants.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Bluebird Pair
I am not surprised to see birds returning after their winter hiatus from Gorman.  The winter weather has been exceedingly moderate.  This is the first pair that I have seen this season.  I saw them on March 9.

I expect everything to happen early this season.

Bluebird Female
This is a shot of the female of the pair.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ring-necked Duck

Ring-necked Ducks
I am continually amazed at the different ducks that come to our pond at Gorman.  These were an initial addition to my collection of images.  I did not get any action shots of them.  I approached them as if they were Buffleheads.  I initially thought they were.  They don't dive or did not during my observation.  They appeared more flighty than the Buffleheads.  The next time I visited I thought that I saw them again.  By the time I had my camera set up, I could not find them.  I did not hear them launch while I worked with equipment.  I don't know if I imagined it or if they walked onto the opposite shore.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Image and a Poem

White-tailed Deer
It was a beautiful creature,
It is no more.
It became food for the predictor,
It is no more,
It is no more.

I don't think the word for this is carcass.  It is too far gone.  I happened to see it the other morning.  I was pretty sure I knew what it was before I got there.  I stood looking, thinking whether it was an image or not.  It was evocative for me.  The emotion was not exactly positive.  My first feeling was for the young deer this had been.  Okay, this is disgusting!  It evokes the emotion of disgust.  I don't go around looking for this sort of thing but it was there. It is the way of the wild and nature.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Auto Adjustments Need Adult Supervision

Thin Ice
I noticed this scene as I walked down the trail the other morning.  I shot it for Deep DOF with Helicon Focus twice.  The is the first series of captures processed.  Photoshop curves made this adjustment.  I have noticed that an image, having whites, looses detail at the hands of the curves/auto.  The white snow has lost detail.

Thin Ice
I fine tune my exposure in Adobe Camera Raw.  The snow is white and exposure is set carefully so that it does not loose detail.  I then go through curves manually and finally set contrast with curves.  My procedure does not blow out my carefully set highlights.  I just need to remember to watch my highlights.

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