Saturday, January 7, 2012



These are my seven grandchildren whom I saw for Christmas.  They are not together often and I felt privileged to see them together.  They are each and every one special people whom I love a great deal.  From left to right, top to bottom, they are:  Reed, Loudon, Caleb, Nathan, Hannah, Lucas and Evie.  I may have the twins reversed as I can not see the lower one's face at the angle I need to to tell.  I could not have had a bigger present for Christmas.  Thanks everyone.  Someday you may understand.
The second best thing was playing cards with some of their parents and grandparents like we used to.  That was very fun too.  Hannah as the oldest joined us in the game.  That was cool.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

New Boots

New Boots
I shot these first without a card in my camera.  When I discovered it I was already in the field.  They are light, warm and of course water proof.  I wear them 200 plus times yearly at Gorman.  My old ones were no longer water proof from use and wear.  I sometimes walk the stream and need my boots to keep my feet try.  They are 18 inches high so I can walk almost anywhere in the stream.  I do have to watch for deep pools and go around.  I enjoyed them this morning for the first time.

Thanks to Steve, Tiffany and Lexy for the gift card.  It really helped.

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