Friday, November 29, 2019

Platinum XLS

Platinum XLS
This is "Platinum XLS" which is purified by the sublimation method.  Some might own platinum jewelry since it is a precious metal, an element on the Periodic Table.

The above diagram is shared by the courtesy of Lisa Nichols and Butte Community College.  Credit
I hope that I have handled this properly.  

As I understand from the diagram above, you have two vessals, in this case test tubes.  One is inside the other and open to outside air and called the cold finger.  It has a stopper surrounding its neck with goes inside the outer tube.  The outer tube is vented to a source of air pressure change since we will want to manipulate that during the process.  Heat is applied to the outside of the outer tube.  The substance to be sublimed is in the bottom of the outside tube.  It is heated to a temperature at which it will sublime.  This means that the platinum will vaporize leaving the impurities behind.  It attaches itself to the ouside of the, cooler, inside tube. 

I think I've said enough for today.  I'll try to make it clearer next time and show you more of my platinum sample.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Photographing Pentagonite

Photographing Pentagonite
The field of view in this one is 7.74mm.  The cluster of crystals is about 5mm wide.  When I removed them from the capsule.  I wondered how to mount them.  I read about the mineral and found that it was not very hard, 3 - 4, and brittle.  I was afaid to handle it for fear of breaking it.  I'm fairly shaky this days but I succeeded.

I removed it from the capsule and finally decided to mount it on a piece of glossy photographic paper.  I placed a drop of super glue on the paper and set the cluster in the middle of it.  

Mounting Pentagonite
I could then crease the paper and use it attached to the alligator clip.

Mounting Pentagonite
I wanted frame filling but not frame bursting.  I had  to look for a less powerful combination of lenses.  The one at the top was the outcome of less power but it also cut of the top of the central cyrstal.  I set it on a canvas that extended beyond the limits of the edge and drew the top of that crystal.  The results are shown in the image at the top.  With the less powerful configuration, Sigma 105 mounted on 136mm of extention I was able to achieve this one.

 I consider it the most successful.  The superglue did show a little at the bottom and I cleaned it up.  I wanted it to show so that the image would be grounded.