Larry on the Tractor |
I have often said that I was probably best trained by my childhood to be a heavy equipment operator. This picture shows me on the tractor at age 6 1/2 months. They told me that I was driving the tractor through gates for Dad at age 3 years. He would put it in low gear and leave the engine idling.
Larry driving the Green Corn Wagon |
I spent my weekends and summers driving the tractor for Dad. There were only a few things he would not let me do. I was not able to drive straight enough to please him when planting corn. I drove the disc. I think that was the main thing I could not do. Dad customarily drove the combine and corn picker but I could operate them. Unlike today, crop cultivation was common and widespread. I think that we cultivated corn and beans at least twice a season. I did lots of that. When Craig and I left for college, Dad bought a larger tractor and cultivator. He could then do as much as both of us.
Dad Pulling Taffy |
In an unrelated topic, we made taffy once or twice a winter. We milked cows so we had access to cream. Mother did the cooking and perfected her technique over the years. We did it in winter because we were not busy on the farm. We could put the cooked taffy in the back room, unheated, to cool before pulling. We then pulled it per above. Dad, of course, was the expert puller but I learned to do it also.