Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Uses for Platinum

Sublimed Platinum
You may remember our discussion of Platinum.  We are down to practical matters now and discussing its uses.  According to Google, "The most important use of platinum is in the catalytic converters in our vehicles which facilitates the complete combustion of unburned hydrocarbons." 

Catalytic Converter
  Also according to Google: "It is used in jewelry, decoration and dental work.  It used to be used in optical discs like c.d.'s, dvd's, and blueray discs."    
According to SD "It is still used in Computer hard disks...

Hard Disc Drive
...which also contain it in the
magnetic layers.  Hard disc drives
are often now present in TV's, Video game consoles and other home entertainment systems.

Use of platinum has helped reduce the disc size. Platinum applications have also led to improved data-storing capacity"