Saturday, April 9, 2016

Damselfy Larva

Damselfly Larva
Damselflies hatch from eggs deposited in the vernal pool.  They live there, under water, for one to three years.

Damselfly Larva
Being insects they have three sets of legs.  It appeared to me they for moving these in rhythm, perhaps for locomotion.  They did move their tails as fish do, also.  Maybe this one is switching from swimming to walking in preparation for leaving the vernal pool.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Canada Goose Pair

Canada Goose Pair
I found these geese on the Frog Pond, not a deep pond, later one morning.

Canada Goose Pair
They were exploring the pond, maybe looking for a place for a nest.

Canada Goose Pair
I believe the large one to be the female,

Canada Goose
Geese can be feisty.

Canada Goose
They like to protect their territory.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Jim Brooks

Jim Brooks and Nameless Coeds
Jim, a single man, enjoys being around young women.  These lovely young ladies volunteered to be in a picture with Jim.  I met Jim at Kenyon College on a spring like day in late March for this shoot.

Jim Brooks
Jim and I have been friends for a long time.  I met him that spring day with the express intent of photographing him on his ICE, aka Inspired Cycle Engineering, Tricycle.  Jim purchased this trike because he was beginning to have balance issues.  Jim's cycling career was already in process when I met him in July, 1985.  He had been riding to work for I don't know how long and was just beginning to ride in "patch rides."  Patch rides are organized rides supplying rest stops, maps and a patch at the end.  They are usually about 100 miles long.  Through Jim, I became interested in cycling also.  His coat displays some of these patches front and back.

Jim On His ICE Recumbent Trike
I tell people that Jim is a retired photographer and I am a photographer "wanna-be."  He had definite ideas of what he wanted from me that day and I tried to accommodate him.  We had lunch at the deli in the background after the shoot.

Jim and the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Jim showed me this church years ago.  It was my introduction to photographing the inside of a church.  I loved doing it.  I probably abdicated my photographer's compositional responsibilities on this shot.  Jim was expressing his definite ideas so strongly that I stepped back and became only a technician, just taking the shots.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Cryolite with Siderite

Cryolite with Siderite
As an uninitiated mineralogist, I previously would have called the white substance quartz but it is instead Cryolite.  This sample came from Greenland, the premier place in the world to obtain it.

Cryolite from Greenland
I read in Wikipedia that it is used in the process of obtaining aluminium from from bauxite.

The brown substance is Siderite.

Cryolite with Siderite
The darker substance peaked my curiosity and I kept thinking of a sample I own of enargite.

I would appreciate comments if anyone has an opinion.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Canada Goose

Canada Goose Female
 There were a pair.  This is the one I believe to be the female because she was larger.  The morning was extremely cold and I was able to get on a desirable side of them for the light.

Canada Goose
 She decided to enter the water.

Canada Goose
 I had a lens with loose screws and had snugged them up.  I wanted to test it and I was grateful for the opportunity to photograph this bird.  I was extremely glad to replace my gloves when I was finished

Canada Goose
I don't know if the cold was a factor in their docility or not.

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