Saturday, June 9, 2018

Titanium Dioxide


AKA Titanium Dioxide, this mineral in another of the series of minerals with the same formula, TiO2.  We just discussed another of  these minerals a few days ago, Rutile.

It can be used to make white paint or other colors which resist reduction by the elements.  

The other mineral with the same formula it Brookite for which I am searching as we speak.


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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Water Lily

Water Lily
 I have read that one can eat the roots (corms) from which they grow in the bottom of the pond.  I love these plants and the time of year when they bloom!

Water Lily
Their leaves become sort of damaged as the season progresses as do the blooms.  One must catch the blooms at their peak!

Water Lily
Many of my efforts at photographing the water lilies at Gorman has been inspired by their beauty in perfection.  Such perfection is ephemeral and must be carefully pursued. 

Water Lilies
The above capture is from Kingwood Center in 2007.

If you are interested in or inspired by Nymphaeaceae as I am, I recommend your looking at Wikipedia on the subject.

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Sunday, June 3, 2018


This sample comes from the Luzan Talc Mine St. Pierre, de-braughton, Quebac, Canada.  The name on the sample container included all the above with "/incl" following the name of the mineral.

The formula for Albite is Na(AlSi3O8).  According to it can be white to grey, bluish, greenish or reddish.  It was named in 1815 by John Gottleib Gahn and Jöns Jacob Berzelius. It is a silicate with six sided crystal.

Albite /incl.
As an amateur geologist, I am unable to decide what is the inclusion and what is the albite.  I used my photographic sense to compose these images.
Albite /incl.
  I have a feeling that the inclusion is albite which is dark brown in color.

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