Friday, June 16, 2017

Common Snowball Viburnum

Common Snowball Viburnum

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Japanese Primrose

Japanese Primrose
This one was photographed at Kingwood Center in May of 2007.

Larry's Images and Aerial

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Cornus Florida Rubra Conclusion

Pink Flowering Dogwood
This is a closeup of the center of the inflorescence where the flowers are found.  I noticed a spec on the bud in the lower left.

Pink Flowering Dogwood
Later in the session I made another capture.  You might notice the insect on the bud in the lower left.  I currently believe that it came from the above mentioned spec.  It is a thrips.
Pink Flowering Dogwood
As the development of the flowers continued, the buds started opening to expose the flower.  I continued photographing the process for several days.  The more I worked, the more I could notice the Thrips moving about on it.  I made the following video so you could see what I saw.  I play it at 12x speed so you won't get bored.
If you cannot view it here go to videos.

Larry's Images and Aerial

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