Sunday, February 23, 2014

Light and Citrine Quartz

This is the little broken piece from the rock assortment.  It came back to me broken like that.  It almost looks like rose quartz and may be.

I had an insight while making these images.  There are no other lights on in the room while except the Logan Light Box providing back light.  The whole thing is in Smtih-Victor LB-20 Light Box Tent.  It is white and is probably reflecting back enough light to give a sense of the "smooth" surface of the tumbled rock.  I think that my next step is to work with weak side light to give a sense of relief.

I tried the 3D function on Helicon Focus but it did not render anything like the lock.  I became aware that this rock is nearly clear.  You can't tell that from these images.  We are seeing everything from the back to the front.  HF puts it in focus but does not give much of a sense of depth.  I can see the slight patina of the surface in places and some relief of the fractures.

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