Monday, October 14, 2013

Seeing an Image

Frog Pond
I have known for several years that I walk through a potential image into a not so good one.  It happened at this location.  This one was the not so good one.

Frog Pond
This is the one which in my mind is better.  I felt it as I walked into and through it.  I backed up my cart and set up the tripod.  I have been noticing the potential of this view for some time.  We had the hazy aerial background.  the sun reflecting off the Indian Grass to the right.  The foreground adds interest with the red colors.  I set up and made the HDR shots.  I wrestled with the lens flare.  I held my hand over the top of the lens so that the light would not hit it.  It was a Sigma 10 - 20 mm lens, an ultra wide for my camera.  It is easy for my hand, protecting from lens flare, to get into the frame.  I had to continually watch for it through the view finder.  In the end,  I had some flare and some hand in the upper right corner.  The flare was in the grasses in the center.  I worked them both out and really liked it.

Call me over sensitive, but I felt it start and stop as I walked through.  Please don't call me crazy,  I really felt it!

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