Saturday, June 29, 2013

Orange Bluet II

Orange Bluet
This is a shot of up to 1.7x on the sensor for which I used my Canon 500D closeup filter.  I keep it in my shirt pocket so that I can add it to the lens when I need it.  I am learning to know whether I need it by just looking at the distance from the lens.  I can almost see the inner zone where I need it.

Orange Bluet
I have some difficulty including the whole damselfly when using the 500D.

Orange Bluet
I have found that I must be careful about over exposure when using the 500D.  Since I am closer to the subject I must dial in a smaller aperture.  I generally shoot at f/22 or even f/27, the smallest aperture on that lens.  If I still have overexposure, I dial in negative FEC, flash exposure compensation.  The last line of defense for over exposure is to reduce the ISO from 400 down to 100.

Orange Bluet
I have discovered that I can manage to include the entire damselfly by getting to the distant extreme of focus with the 500D.  It seems to me that this picks up where the Sigma 70 - 300 mounted on a Sigma 1.4x converter leaves off at its closest focus.

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