Saturday, September 22, 2012

Banded Garden Spider

Banded Garden Spider
I shot this little guy with flash and a Sigma 70 - 300 mm macro lens on a 1.4x converter.  

Why did I shoot it?  Because it was there.  I explained to a friend the other day that I used to play a trombone when I was in high school and college.  I did so much practicing that it became a part of me.  I don't play the trombone any more but I do get to practice with my camera.  It is fun to make viewable images.

Banded Garden Spider
For this capture, I used a Sigma 105mm macro lens, sans flash.  The sun was just starting to hit the spider as you can see.  It is not a large spider.  If I understand correctly it is related to the Black and Yellow Argiope, a much larger spider.

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