Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where's Waldo?

Remember the children's books where you had to find Waldo in a very busy, lots of details with very little or no organization, picture?  I thought of it the other day as I sat by the vernal pool.

Can you find the two frogs in this one?  I have noticed that I will look at the pool and see no or very few frogs.  If I stay and relax, enjoying the view, I will begin to see frogs.  Finding frogs can not be hurried!

American Bullfrog
I thought that you might want some help.  This one is in the shade on the right.

American Bullfrog
This one is almost behind the cattail leaf on the left.

Green Frog
This one was very close to me, again in the shade.  I sat there for 15 minutes before I saw him.

Northern Leopard Frog

I saw this one at a different pool on a different day.  I happened to notice her immediately.  I was struck by the posture.

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