Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dogday Harvestfly

Dogday Harvestfly
We used to call them the Cicada or Locust.  They are quite vociferous this time of year.  I have noticed that if I arrive early on a cool morning, they are quiet.  As the morning warms they begin their sound.  The Farmer's Almanac used to say that you would have frost six weeks after you first hear them.  I heard my first one on July 10th this year.  Let's see, that would mean that we are due for a frost almost immediately if the old farmers know anything.

As to photographing them, they are quite aware of you as you walk by.  If you stop walking close to one it will immediately fly away.  I was able to catch this one on a cool morning.  It was sitting in the sun warming itself and was a little more hesitant to fly.



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