Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Smart Phone Camera

This kind of shot is greatly frowned upon for many reasons.  As a grandfather I was willing to risk expulsion for it.  Doing it caused me to think through some settings on my Samsung Galaxy S4.  It has "anti-shake".  I made this shot resting the camera on my knee, if I remember correctly.  The slowest shutter speed that the camera chose was 1/30.  Slower would have been better obviously, but I would have needed a stable support.  I have a device, RetiCam, with which I can attach it to a tri/monopod.  I have been practicing walking with my monopod using it like a cane so I can get it inside.  I had problems with exposure, not on this one.  I found that the Galaxy has three metering modes available, Centerweighted, evaluative and spot.  I, in the future would choose spot for a shot like this.

I thought the ceiling worth a shot.

I liked the lines of the different levels.

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