Friday, March 28, 2014

Bridges 1, 2 & 3

Bridge 1, Covered Bridge
This is a shot from 9-10-2009.  It has deteriorated since that date.  A siding board on the rail is missing.

Bridge 2
This shot is from 10-17-2013.  Since that time, the bridge has caught trash and been pushed downstream about a foot at the near end.  I can barely if at all negotiate the bridge in its current position.  

Bridge 3

The location of this bridge on the stream and the widening which has occurred to the stream bed have been a problem over the years.  This shot is from 11-30-2011.

This version of bridge 3 is relatively new (3 years).  The bed became so wide that we had no poles long enough to span it requiring a splice and supports in the center.  It has since been ravaged by flash flooding and the upstream support has been washed away.  The bridge is currently sagging on the upstream side.  I can still pass over this bridge.

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