Sunday, September 22, 2013

Long-jawed Orbweaver Addendum

Long-jawed Orbweaver
I find them by looking for the sun's reflection off their silky web.  They seldom are actually on the web.  They hide near where the web is anchored and run out onto it when an insect is trapped.  They have six very long legs in front as you can see.  I find it difficult to get the entire spider in the image because the legs stretch out so long when they hide.

Long-jawed Orbweaver
They used their long jaws to hold the insect and wrap it up.  I assume they also use them to pull the prey into their mouth.

Long-jawed Orbweaver
I understand that there are many species of these spiders.  The scientific name given in the ODNR ID guide is tetragnatha elongata.  I suppose that is the one in Ohio.

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