Monday, April 30, 2012

Woodpecker Side Benefits

Red-bellied Woodpecker
I have been photographing woodpeckers lately.  I sit on my milk carton and wait and watch.  While doing so, I have been fortunate to capture images of the American Robin among others.  The Robin is so common.  My thought has been that I would like a good shot of one but it has not been high on my priority list.  They hop around my backyard and should be easy to photograph, right?.  I have not found that to be true as they seem highly aware and illusive.  

American Robin
Sitting and waiting seems to be a good technique for photographing many animals including the robin.  They seem to become comfortable with me as I sit quietly. 

American Robin
This one landed on a snag in front of me and very near.  It was patient while I re-aimed my camera and focused.  I made several sharp images of it.  Now I feel glad to have its image in my collection.

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