Monday, April 9, 2012

American Toad

Mating American Toads
Merrill Tawse demonstrated the trilling call of the American Toad the other day.  He wondered if I had heard them.  I had not but started listening.  Two days later I heard it.  They were in the the Frog Pond.  I set up my Sony D50 recorder beside the pond and walked around to the other side where it would not pickup the sound of my shutter.

American Toads Mating
I was looking for the source of the trilling sound.  I never saw it.  I noticed the activity in the middle of the pond and photographed some of it.  I was familiar with this type of activity.  The frogs do it.  I initially thought that it was the frogs.  I later decided that it must have been the toads since they were the ones calling that day.  Merrill later confirmed what I suspected. 

I later learned, again from Merrill, that the way to catch the source of the trilling is to go at night.  Night is not my time and so I doubt that I will capture the toad with the expanded air sac under its chin.  I did get a good recording of the trilling toads and I hope that you will listen.  It is at the bottom of the page.

I was recently listening to GNC Nature Sounds and noticed the same trilling.  It was recorded near the forest edge in August.  I had initially thought that it was a different cricket sound.

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