Saturday, October 19, 2019

Large Milkweed Bug

Large Milkweed Bug
I know that most of you will not enjoy this.  I'm sorry.  I photograph what I like not what my viewers like.  That is probably why I don't have followers.  This is an image stack at 2X.

Large Milkweed Bug
This one is at 10X.

Large Milkweed Bug
I think I have mentioned previously that this insect's required food is the sap from the seedpods.  The one in the top left center is a larva.  Can you notice the wings, unformed,  It is near moulting, climbing out of its skin, to become like the larger insect near the center.

Large Milkweed Bug Exuvia
This is what they leave behind after moulting.  It is called an exuvia.  As I write the Large Milkweed bugs are still on the milkweed plant.  It is October 3, 2019.

Large Milkweed Bug Larva
I recognize most the insects visiting the milkweed because I visited the milkweed daily while I was at the nature center.  I started because I was interested in the Monarch Butterfly and its caterpillar.

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