Monday, October 7, 2019


This has been one of my favorite rocks since 2010.  I usually walked the stream at the nature center when wild life was inactive, usually starting in December.  I picked this up in 2010, brought it home and threw it into the tumbler.  It went the first week and then as I was changing the grit, I decided to keep it out because I liked its looks just as you see it.

It's a loose end for me because I can not find it.  I want to test its hardness.  I have asked to help me identify it and they have asked.

This is a panorama and I have loved the image for a long time.  The actual rock is about 1.5 inches horizontally,  When I made this as a print, I recognized something was wrong but I did not know what.  Recently, I was cleaning out the basement and found the canvas print I made.  I set it out and looked at it while I worked.  I decided it was just floating in the frame with no anchor so I added the shadows you can see above.  I had printed on the white canvas and stretched it.  Now, I wish to reprint it with the blue background but I do not have enough ink so I will leave it as is.  My friend, Paul the painter, came by and added the drop shadows with a felt tipped marker.  I am too shaky to do such a thing.

I may have given it to a visiting grandchild because they like rocks too.  I have asked them to look for it but no one seems to recognize it.

I hope you enjoy looking at it.

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