Monday, December 4, 2017


You may remember that I wanted to clean this specimen.  I soaked it in Oxalic Acid for over a week, not knowing how long it needed.  It came out looking pretty good.  I used my old toothbrush and tap water to remove the cleaning agent.

This sample it from Mount Apatite, Auburn, Maine.  It is displayed at 6.5X.  The field of view is 3.6mm
Apatite Showing Cleavage
The strong acid somehow caused the cleavage to weaken and the two sides seperated.  I think the part on the right is still down in the acid.  I have meant to look for it but forgot to do so.

Cleaned Apatite
You may remember we said this mineral is the defining mineral for hardness 5 in the Mohs Scale of mineral hardness.  That's the middle one.

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