Monday, April 28, 2014

Shooting Canada Geese

Hello, Big Boy!

Don't Get Fresh!

 I shoot the geese and other creatures saving files in Camera Raw not .jpg.  The reason is that I have more latitude to make exposure and other adjustments back on the computer.  I hasten to point out that it is always better to capture them correctly in camera.  The problem is that I am operating in extreme conditions.  These images were captured in ideal light.  The sky is like a big softbox and the contrast, which is great on the goose, is held because of the great light..  The problem for my camera is not enough light.  I let it set the ISO that it wants and it usually chooses iso 3200.  I set the limit to avoid excess noise.  That gives an image that is under exposed about 1 to 2 stops.  It is too bad that great light is usually not good for wildlife photography.

This image is underexposed by about a stop which I can pick up in Adobe Camera Raw as I process the image.

I add a stop of exposure in ACR without damaging the files.  This is not possible when I use .jpg.

 Larry's Images

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