Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dragonflies and Damselflies at Gorman Nature Center

Judy Semroc and Larry Rosche
Judy and Larry went through the big pond, some vernal pools, the stream, and the frog pond.  They netted the dragonflies and damselflies in nymph form to see what we have.  I just sat and watched, amazed at their knowledge.  

I tried to form a map in my head of where to look for the dragonflies and damselflies later in the season.  I learned that the nymphs live in water for from 6 months to 7 years before emerging to fly for a week or two.  Larry said, "Don't name them."  I think he meant that they don't live long enough to be a pet.  Some dragonflies, like the Common Green Darner, migrate.  I learned that they die on the migration but reproduce before doing so and that probably the young will migrate back to the location from where the original adults migrated.  What a marvelous thing!

Judy Semroc
Judy Semroc and Larry Rosche in Frog Pond

Larry Rosche, Jan Ferrell and Steve McKee
Jan is the one who arranged for Larry and Judy to come this year and I heard her arranging for another visit in the future.  

What's In The Pool?
Many of us just hung around and soaked up as much as we could.  How interesting!

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