Saturday, April 20, 2013

Areas Needing Work

Ring-necked Ducks
I arrived early enough the next morning to see several more ring-necked ducks on the pond.  I counted four males and 1 or 2 females.  Wikipedia makes this observation:  Unpaired ducks showing up on breeding grounds will most likely end up being non-breeders. The pairs stay together only for reproduction, until then, they separate.  

Ring-necked Duck Pair
I had not shot ducks or many birds for some time and needed reminding of several things.  My goal is that these things would come to mind during shooting and not just later at the computer.  

The white portions of the birds are extremely prone to over exposure and need in camera compensation.  I shoot raw which gives me more latitude for adjustments later in the computer.  

I have been thinking and learning about my camera's auto focus settings since I shot the Wide-winged Hawk earlier this season.  I can now adjust the auto focus settings on the fly, albeit, slowly.  A shot such as the one above is a challenge because I don't have enough DOF, depth-of-field, to render the eyes of both ducks sharply.

As I practice, I am beginning to be able to direct my attention to the light conditions instead of just technical issues.

Ring-necked Duck Pair
Tomorrow, I will go into more detail about my practice and post shot processing practices.

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