Monday, August 27, 2012


Vernal Pool with Tadpoles
The vernal pools are nearly dried up.  This shot is from several weeks ago when there was more water there.  The tadpoles were congregating near the surface.  I don't remember observing that behavior previously.

Tadpoles in Vernal Pool
When I returned the next day after a rain in the night, the tadpoles were not congregating near the surface (not shown).  It looked like they were all gone but a closer look revealed that they were there but spread out.

I use a little 8x8x1 inch aquarium for shots like this.  I purchased the cut glass and assembled it with aquarium sealant.  

I have discovered that my Sigma 105 mm closeup lens will auto focus in this situation.  That makes these shots easier.

I loosen my ball head enough that I can track the tadpole.  I enable servo focus and walla, tadpole shots.  It is fun.  

I want to redo my shots of phantom midges, shrimp, mosquito larvae, caddisfly larvae and other pond life as I have time.  From my years of caring for tropical fish, I was afraid to change the water on them without temperature equalization at first.  I now believe that they are more resilient than tropical fish and can withstand moderate changes.

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