Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mullusk Shell with Polyps

Mollusk Shell with Polyps
Carol brought me this shell from South Carolina when she visited in March.  I think that she picked it up on the beach.  I have worked at photographing it on and off since then. 

Mollusk Shell with Polyps
This is a recent shot of the inside of the shell.  It appears  that the shell was somehow perched so that polyps could grow on both sides while it was underwater.

Camera Setup for Mollusk Shell with Polyps
I had to add the third light to eliminate shadows on the convex side of the shell.  The side lights created the shadows and did not fill the shell sufficiently  

I wanted to film the shell rotating to complete the series.  I have obtained an old record player to rotate my subject at a steady 8 rpm.  The sound to this video is a thunderstorm and rain that passed over my house recently.  I may add it to my next album.

I have only one video light a CN-160.  I used it in the setup along with a reflector to throw light back into the shadows.

Video Camera Setup for Mollusk Shell with Polyps
I want to find a way to get the light and reflector closer to the subject for my next effort.  The reflector was too low, I think.

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