Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful for Roots

Lowell & Frieda Eicher
I am more thankful this year for my roots than I have been at any other time in my life.  My Parents were Lowell and Frieda Baker Eicher.  They were married on Dec. 21, 1941, two weeks after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.  The above picture was dated, as you can see, 1943.  For some reason, I have always thought it was a wedding picture.  Maybe it was, just a delayed one.

Carmony Farm
We lived on the Carmony Farm owned by my Grandmother, Grace Carmony Eicher.  Dad gave Grandma one half of all proceeds from the operation.  He also bought an adjacent farm which we called the Trobridge place.  I think that this shot may be from the mid-fifties.  I grew up as a farm hand.  This place consumed most of my waking energy, or so it seemed.

Cary and Lola Carmony
One of our neighbors, on the north, was Cary and Lola Carmony.  Cary was the brother of Grace, my grandmother.  Their farm was about the size of the Trobridge place.  This picture might be from their 50th Anniversary.  I came across this picture while searching for another recently.  I had to think about it for a while.  I decided that my children would never know who these people were unless I told them.

I am thankful for my roots.

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