Thursday, March 14, 2019

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood
I bought Carol a bag of rough rocks to use as gifts to our grandchildren who gladly accept them.  She must have forgotten and I stumbled across it a couple weeks ago.

I was waiting for a microscope objective to arrive and decided to try the process at which I am not good to identify them.  The bag included color pictures  of the 25 possibilities.  How hard can that be?  The process was more involved than I originally thought. I started with the one above which turned out to be petrified wood.

Petrified Wood
I began by photographing it with differing compositions.   After the first day I still had no idea.

Petrified Wood
 Wood is "petrified" when minerals replace its cells.

The thing that got me going was on the second day, I remembered I had seen vendors at the rock and mineral show displaying their samples with a water bath which made them appear more beautiful and tried it.  I soaked the sample and looked it over with a hand lens.  The realization suddenly dawned on me.

Petrified Wood
The knowledge of its identity, opened up my possibilities for photographing it.  I finally knew where I was going.

Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood
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