Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Wright Brothers: First in Powered Flight

Wright 1909 Military Flyer
Tomorrow is December 17, 2018.  We should probably pause to remember the first powered flight by Orville Wright.  It was at 10:30 AM Dec. 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.  It lasted 12 seconds and covered a distance of 120 feet.

Three more flights ensued that day, the longest of which was 852 feet, lasting 59 seconds.  The pilot was Wilbur Wright.

By 1909 their aircraft model A, seated the pilot on the wing instead of laying him flat as the first flyer did.  The Wights had matured with their aircraft to the point of selling it.  They did so in 1909 to the United States Army Air Force.  They initially were unable to find buyers so they stored it and went to Europe looking for potential customers.  I think the USAAF stepped when they returned to the US. 

Thanks to NMUSAF for the information provided and permission to photograph.  

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