Saturday, May 19, 2018

Corn Planting Time

Corn Planting Rig
Father used to say it was time to plant corn when the dogwoods bloom.  It is that time of year just now.  These shots were captured 5-20-11.

Much like the season above, we had too much rain and too cool temperatures.  By the time of this writing, 5-12-18, things have dried out but I'm unsure about the soil temperature.  Carol drove to Mt. Vernon last week and reported seeing planting going on.  I think we are on the brink here.  I've been meaning to look around but haven't taken time.

John Deere 16 Row Planter
The above planter has CCS seed delivery.  It boasts blowers and vacuum blowers to move the seed.  The blowers are run by hydrolic motors.

John Deere 16 Row Planter
This planter carries lots of seed and liquid fertilizer.  Planting corn can be done quickly if you don't have to stop to load fertilizer and seed.  Dad stopped each round, 1 mile total, to add fertilizer and check seed in his John Deere two row planter.

John Deere Hydrolic Connections.

The planter also has hydrolic ram cylinders to lift the planter for transport and too move the markers and other things as needed.  They are attached to the massive, by Dad's standards, hydrolic system on this John Deere Tractor.

John Deere 16 Row Planter
One important factor is keeping all hoses and other seed and fertilizer passages open.  They can become blocked and leave one or more rows unplanted.  It is a big job keeping an eye on things.  The planter and the tractor talk to each other so some of the work of checking can be done on the run.

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