Saturday, March 17, 2018

Irish Pride Day!

Hop Clover Aureum
I remember coloring shamrock outlines in grade school. I didn't know until later in life that the shamrock was related to many plants that I knew.  The characteristics include three leaflets we might call leaves.  Like peas it is a legume plant which puts nitrogen back into the soil.  It is edible and nutritious.

Trifolium dubium AKA Lesser Hop Clover
   I have hop clover growing in my front yard.  The yard man wants to kill it but I try to save its life.  When you get to be my age you take what you can get.

Trifolium hybridum, Alsike Clover
I saw some discussion about Alsike Clover being poisonous but I think it was just for horses.  My father sowed Alsike Clover along with Red Clover and alfalfa and probably others when he sowed oats.  It was only cows for which he planted it.
Please Read More, I just learned to do this.

Trifolium hybridum, Alsike Clover
Again, my yard man would kill this if he saw it in my yard.  How sad!  He thinks I don't know.

Trifolium pretense, Red Clover
Trifolium pretense, Red Clover
I'd like having a bed of this in my landscaping but alas I don't know what is beautiful.  How can I have run so far afield in my later years?

Happy Shamrock Day, all!

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