Friday, February 6, 2015

Not Food Pornoghraphy!

Flint Quartz Igneous
 I decided, yesterday, that an interesting project would be to try to convey the essence of a rock.  This is my first selection.  I probably obtained it at the Richland Lithic and Lapidary Society.    

It measures about two inches from end to end.  If I handed it to you, you would look at it and say, "That's pretty."  Would you really see it or for that matter really feel it?  It certainly is colorful!  Would it affect your emotions?

Flint Quartz Igneous
                   I find myself being gripped emotionally by the rock.  You always knew I was a little nuts didn't you?  I wish I could have been there the day it was formed.  I feel that I see a lot of what might have happened while I am looking at it.

Flint Quartz Igneous

I found myself wanting to use the word pornography when discussing it but the only usage I could find not related to sex was "food pornography."  It is, supposedly, imagery of food that makes one wish to eat it.  That doesn't exactly apply here.

Flint Quartz Igneous

Another concept I came across was "expanded understanding."  Maybe that is closer to what I intend here.  As you might imagine, the "expanding" will hopefully come through macro photography.

Flint Quartz Igneous
I am afraid that I probably ask more questions than I answer when I look at it.  Maybe we can come to some answers together.

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