Saturday, August 23, 2014

Red Milkweed Beetle

Red Milkweed Beetle
As you might guess from their name, these orange beetles hang out on the milkweed plant.  They don't run or fly away if you kept a respectful distance.

Red Milkweed Beetle
The most interesting discovery about them that I have made is the juxtaposition of the antennae and eyes.  The antenna bisects the eye.  Once I learned that, I was less confused while shooting them since I am always looking at the eye while focusing.  When shooting from above I can see only the upper eye (see image at top).  I focus on it only if that is all that is visible.  Having a question in my mind about the location of the eye causes me to loose focus while shooting, no pun intended.  That question mark yields less sharp images and I think that I have improved since I learned that fact.

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