Friday, March 1, 2013

Young Hawk

Broad-Tailed Hawk
I was collecting my recording gear the other morning when I turned around and saw this hawk sitting on a branch close by.  I tried not to panic.  I keep a camera setup on my telephoto lens for such occasions.  It did not take long until I was firing away.  I have since decided that I need to clarify, in my mind, the way to set a single focus point on this camera.  The limbs in front of the hawk were throwing off the focus.  I went through 336 shots on my computer and my eyes were beginning to cross.  The focus was just a little off in most of them.

Broad-winged Hawk
The hawk was patient with me and allowed me to work angles and light. I even followed it after short flights away from me.  I was able to come away with a couple good shots.  This one is the best, I think.

I think it is a young hawk.  I considered Red-tailed, and Red-shouldered hawk and well as Marsh Hawk as an ID.  I finally settled on the Broad-winged because of the vertical splotches on the chest and the yellow irises.  I wish I remembered an impression of it's size.  I could have used that in the ID.

Anecdotally, I remembered hearing the crows making the kind of racket that usually indicates they are chasing a hawk before I saw this bird.  I wondered if this bird flew close to me to get away from the crows.  I don't think that an adult bird would have come so close to me.

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