Saturday, August 13, 2011

More Frogs

American Bullfrog
The frogs were quite vociferous the other morning.  I heard them a long time before I arrived at the vernal pool.  I could immediately sense that they were not only verbose but active.  They moved around quite often.  Usually the frogs sit quietly waiting to catch food, but not this morning.  I finally became aware of the reason behind all the activity.

Green Frogs
The tympanum, or ear is quite a bit larger than the eye on the male while it is about the same size as the eye on the female.



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Friday, August 12, 2011


Female Bullfrog
The frogs are out on most mornings.  I enjoy watching their behaviors as I am sure you have noted.

Young Female Bullfrog
If I'm a young person, I think that I might want to have a picture of this cute little frog on the wall of my room.  The younger ones seem to hop from lily pad to lily pad without a care except that they look hungry.



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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Monarch Butterfly

Female Monarch Butterfly
I was most happy to see this one the other day.  I believe that she is the first female I have photographed.  I hope that she can find the milkweed upon which to lay her eggs since the milkweed blooms are gone.  I don't think that her caterpillar would be able to live on the blazing star.



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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Milkweed Plant

Monarch Caterpillar
I am checking the milkweed plants carefully these days.  They are all finished blooming except for the swamp milkweed.  I am looking for this caterpillar.  I have seen very, very few of them.  I expect to see them eating milkweed leaves whenever I see them.  I would think that the caterpillar was sick if it were not doing so. The butterflies, however; come out when the weather suits them.  

I have seen other creatures in my search for this caterpillar

Milkweed Tussock Caterpillar
I found these the other day.  I have seen them before but could not remember their name.  I think they are the larvae of a moth.

Spring Peeper Frog
This frog is tiny.  I forget how tiny when I look at my close-up shots through out the year.  He is one of the chorus frogs we hear in the spring.  I somehow thought that they lived in the pond but I am now convinced that they live in trees.  This one was on a milkweed leaf.  He is not the first one I have seen this season but the setup was perfect for me to shoot this one.



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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

End of Mid-summer flowers

Gorman Nature Center
The light was so incredible the other morning!  I thought the color of the grass and the iron weed blooms complimented each other.  I wanted to share it with you.  

Gorman Nature Center
The blazing star is in bloom currently.  It is about the last of the showy purple flowers.  We are beginning to enter the late summer/early fall time I call the yellow period.  Most of the flowers are yellow from now on.  We will talk more about them later.

Right now, I love the color of that grass in the early morning cloudy light!  The butterflies love these flowers, too.



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